Operations & Maintenance (O&M)
Building Improvements Project

An evaluation of the wastewater treatment facilities determined the Operations and Maintenance buildings are in need of upgrades. These support facilities, constructed in the late 1970s and early 1980s, house staff and tools necessary to treat our regional wastewater including the Water Quality Lab where the safety of cleaned water is ensured. Since original construction, the uses of these buildings have changed substantially due to advances in technology, increasingly stringent environmental regulations, and changes in staffing levels to meet regulations.

These changes, along with the age of the facilities, prompted the MWMC to review specific needs for support facilities and consider options for upgrades.

TimeframeOperations & Maintenance construction as of January 9, 2018

The MWMC awarded a contract to MWA Architects in November 2014. In fall 2015, the MWMC selected one of three design proposals to improve existing Operations and Maintenance buildings and to construct a new water quality laboratory.

In early 2017 a request for bids was posted. Two bids were received and opened on March 14, 2017. Both bids came in over the consultant’s engineering estimate. The MWMC chose to remove scope from the project design to upgrade the Administrative and Operations Building to reduce project costs and focus on highest priority needs. The MWMC entered into a construction contract with Wildish Building Company in May 2017 with construction starting in June 2017. The majority of construction occurred in 2018 with completion and move in to occur in 2019.

GoalsOperations & Maintenance construction as of December 13, 2017

The goals of this project are to provide facilities that will continue to support the core mission of cleaning water – now and into the future – while maintaining

the MWMC’s commitment to fiscal responsibility.

Mark Van Eeckhout

Greg Watkins

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New lab building being finished
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