Recycled Water
The Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission is planning, by 2026, to have the ability to produce the highest class of recycled water recognized in Oregon, approved for virtually every use where drinking-quality water is unnecessary. Learn more below about the Class A recycled water lifecycle and partnership opportunities!
Recycled water is reclaimed wastewater that has been cleaned and disinfected so that it is safe to directly use for purposes that do not require drinking-quality (potable) water. Modern wastewater treatment processes restore the quality of large volumes of water quickly and effectively. The MWMC treats all of Eugene/Springfield’s wastewater under strict standards to return it to the Willamette River – or divert it for additional recycled water processing. The resulting recycled water is clear, clean, and safe for a variety of approved uses such as vehicle washing and landscape watering.
Every gallon of recycled water that is used for irrigation, industrial processes, wetland enhancement, and other beneficial uses potentially can save a gallon of our community’s drinking water, river flow, or ground water supplies for other competing demands. Learn more about recycled water on our FAQs webpage.
Since the 1980s, this recycled water has been used to irrigate landscaping at the MWMC’s facilities and later at our Biocycle Farm poplar tree grove. The recycled water is also used for cooling and operation of the MWMC’s treatment process equipment. The MWMC recycles about 50-100 million gallons of water annually – equivalent to two to four days’ worth of our community’s cleaned wastewater.
The MWMC is entering an exciting new era of recycled water use by enhancing our capabilities to provide high-quality Class A recycled water to the community. Initial uses of Class A recycled water will demonstrate how this resource is useful to the construction industry and to maintaining our public green spaces. Demonstration projects will include sand and gravel operations, street tree watering, and irrigation of landscaping surrounding the wastewater treatment plant.
Over the past two decades, the MWMC has had conversations with local stakeholders on how new recycled water uses could best reflect community needs and values. The MWMC is now continuing community conversation through an Advisory Network comprised of local voices in water sustainability and infrastructure, watershed management, public and environmental health, community development, and other relevant areas. If you’re interested in participating as an Advisory Network member, take our survey to get engaged. For more information, contact Environmental Services Supervisor Todd Miller at
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Informational Videos
Check out this video to learn more about the MWMC’s efforts to protect the health of our community and the environment in a sustainable manner.
Watch to learn more about the MWMC and how we clean wastewater for the Eugene-Springfield area.
Learn more about the lifecycle of our Biocycle Farm poplar trees, which are irrigated with recycled water.