Eugene, OR – The Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission (MWMC) will receive federal drought resiliency funds for recycled water development, the Bureau of Reclamation announced last week.
“I am extremely pleased that the Bureau of Reclamation recognizes the drought mitigation value of the MWMC’s Class A recycled water project,” MWMC Planning annd Policy Supervisor Todd Miller said. “This project will not only meet the MWMC’s environmental stewardship goals, but also will ensure our community at large is well-prepared for more frequent long, dry conditions into the future.”
The $4 million came as a part of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act. The Bureau of Reclamation announced the grant award to the MWMC, which will be used to upgrade existing infrastructure for water filtering, disinfection, storage, and conveyance to deliver up to 1.3 million gallons of Class A recycled water per day for public works and industrial uses. Recycled water has a variety of applications which can help reduce the impacts on our rivers from withdrawals to provide water for landscaping, irrigation, and industrial processes that can consume high volumes of water or place strains on drinking water systems. The MWMC historically produces Class D recycled water, which is used to irrigate its poplar tree farm as part of its natural treatment system for wastewater. Class A capabilities will allow the community to expand that use to virtually any other application not requiring potable water.
“We are delighted that the Bureau of Reclamation has selected the MWMC’s WaterSMART grant proposal for award to help fund construction of new Class A recycled water capabilities at our community’s Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility in Eugene that serves the Eugene, Springfield and Lane County metro area,” said Jennifer Yeh, MWMC President and Eugene City Councilor; Joe Pishioneri, MWMC Vice President and Springfield City Councilor; and Pat Farr, MWMC Commissioner and Lane County Commissioner
“This funding is critical to advancing the project’s environmental, economic, and water resource benefits for use in construction aggregate operations and public greenspace irrigation,” Yeh, Pishioneri and Farr said. “Additionally, the project fulfills stakeholder interest in establishing the demonstration of recycled water’s safe and reliable use that in turn will help our community’s resiliency to drought. This is an exciting step forward for the MWMC in protecting community health and the environment in a fiscally responsible manner for years to come. Thank you to the Bureau of Reclamation and our federal delegation for their support of this effort.”
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Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission to Receive $4 Million Grant for Recycled Water Project
Background: The mission of the Metropolitan Wastewater Management Commission is to protect the community’s health and the environment by providing high-quality wastewater services to the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area in partnership with Eugene, Springfield and Lane County. Local representatives from each of the regional partners–Lane County, City of Springfield and City of Eugene–serve on the Commission.
The MWMC has been progressively exploring opportunities to expand recycled water usage over the past 15 years. The MWMC currently uses Class D recycled water for irrigation and treatment processes, utilizing more than 46 million gallons in 2023 alone.