
The following list includes reports, guides, manuals, and brochures available for download.

5 Year CIP31 KB
2021 Communications Plan644 KB
Audited Financials3 MB
Biocycle Farm Brochure813 KB
Biosolids Management Brochure825 KB
Biosolids Management Plan for MWMC (2001)141 KB
Budget for Fiscal Year 2024-20252 MB
Bylaws31 KB
Crop Manual for Hybrid Poplar at the MWMC Biocycle Farm (2008)251 KB
Drone Program – UAS Operations Manual Final230 KB
Drone Program – UAS Policy for Operation Final w-signature361 KB
Facilities Plan Fact Sheet122 KB
Financial Plan (2019)260 KB
GeoDesign Geotech Report3.7 MB
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report (2014)677 KB
Greenhouse Gas Inventory Report (2010 & 2012)269 KB
Industrial Pretreatment Fact Sheet500 KB
2005 Intergovernmental Agreement – Amended 2018590 KB
Regional Wastewater Program Monthly Report2 MB
SDC Methodology Update (2009)3 MB
SDC Fee Schedule (Effective July 1, 2024)41 KB
Strategic Plan 2020-2024782 KB
Triple Bottom Line Assessment of Thermal Load Mitigation Alternatives (2014)1.6 MB
Wastewater Treatment Brochure 1.4 MB

Facilities Plan

Partial Facilities Plan Update (2014)

The MWMC Facilities Plan is a large document. There are two volumes the Facilities Plan and Technical Memorandums/Appendixes. The volumes are broken down into sections for easy computer accessibility. The sections are based on chapters, tables, and figures of the plan.

Volume 1 of 2
Facilities Plan

Cover, Table of Contents, Exec. SummaryChapter 1: Introduction, Purpose and Need
Chapter 2: Study Area CharacteristicsChapter 3: Existing Wastewater Facilities
Chapter 4: Wastewater CharacteristicsChapter 5: Basis of Planning
Chapter 6: AlternativesChapter 7: Recommended Plan
Chapter 8: Financial StrategyChapter 9: Environmental Report
Chapter 10: References

Volume 2 of 2
Technical Memorandums and Appendixes

TM1: Wet Weather Peak Flow AnalysisTM2: Preliminary Screening
TM3: Flow & Load ProjectionsTM4: Water Quality Regulatory Update
TM5: Pretreatment Expansion AlternativesTM6: Secondary Treatment Alternatives
TM7: Secondary Treatment AlternativesTM8: Secondary Clarifier Alternatives
TM9: Peak Flow AlternativesTM10: Disinfection Alternatives
TM11: Odor Control AlternativesTM12: Thermal Load Evaluation
TM13: Analysis of BiosolidsTM14: Biosolids & Effluent Reuse Alternatives
TM15: Biosolids & Effluent Reuse CostAppendix A: NPDES Permit
Appendix A: Temperature Management PlanAppendix A: Biosolids Management Plan
Appendix B: DEQ LetterAppendix C: Population Projections
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